Giving back is what life is all about. Being a part of something that is to support develop and evolve myself and others.

Giving back is something that i feel really passionate about.
That life is not only about ourselves, but what we can share and develop through working in groups, in service, with each other, so that we can evolve together.
Some projects that I am involved with.

The Change Management Institute is a global, independent, not for profit association of change professionals. It was created by and is operated by members for members, constantly striving to push the boundaries of the change management profession. I currently sit on the Global Board as a General Director.

Redefining the true meaning
of health and well-being Unimed Living is an international team of +250 volunteers who have funded, built and maintain this digital giant.

Esoteric WOmen's Health
Esoteric Women’s Health is a globally active community of women, men, complementary health practitioners, allied health professionals and many more, who are all unified in response to addressing the current state of Women’s Health and redefining what we deem to be true and wholesome well-being.